"Les Productions Yole Dérose” was presented in Haiti on November 27, 1999 during the premiere of the super production In the Name of Atlantis (Au Nom de l’Atlantide). This was the beginning of a series of more than twenty creations that have enabled the performance of Haitian and foreign artistic talents issued from different cultural backgrounds.
Haiti Heart of a Woman “Haiti Coeur de Femme” Boca Raton, December 8th, 2012
Boca Raton, Florida: On Saturday, December 8th, 2012, as early as 6:30 pm, a more and more dense crowd arrives at the Mizner Park Amphitheater’s entrance. It is out of question to miss the show “Haiti Coeur de Femme” created, prepared by “Les Productions Yole Dérose”
Haiti Heart of a Woman (Haiti Coeur de Femme) Replay on May 26th, 2012
On Saturday, 26 May 2012, at 6:30 pm, an elegant crowd was pressing to the Hotel Karibe’s entrance for cheering the gift offered by Les Productions Yole Dérose on Mother's Day Eve
Haiti Heart of a Woman (Haiti Coeur de Femme) Replay on January 15th, 2012
On January 15, 2012, upon request of the public, the show “Haiti Heart of a Woman” was replayed at the ”Parc Historique de la Canne à Sucre” in Port-au-Prince. During a little more than 2 hours, the assistance was, once again, under the charm of the Choir composed of eleven Woman-flowers
Haiti Heart of a Woman (Haiti Coeur de Femme)
In the night of December 10, 2011, I am half asleep… I wonder what time it can be. Oh, well… Who cares? Time is not important… I am still under the charm of last night’s dreamlike spectacle “Haiti Heart of a Woman” (Haiti Cœur de Femme).
© 2013 Les Productions Yole Dérose. All rights reserved French version