"Les Productions Yole Dérose” was presented in Haiti on November 27, 1999 during the premiere of the super production In the Name of Atlantis (Au Nom de l’Atlantide). This was the beginning of a series of more than twenty creations that have enabled the performance of Haitian and foreign artistic talents issued from different cultural backgrounds.
20th Anniversary of Emeline Michel’s Musical Career
December 1st 2006 (Sponsored by Digicel) - Tara's / December 3rd, 2006 - Lotus / December 7th, 2006 - Gonaives / December 9th, 2006 – the “Sugar Cane Historical Park” (Parc Historique de la Canne à Sucre) / December 11th, 2006 - Tara's.
Gala of Friendship (Gala de l’Amitié)
Multicultural show between Haiti and the Dominican Republic at the “Sugar Cane Historical Park” (Parc Historique de la Canne à Sucre) June 24th, 2006.
World Mayors Conference
Opening show displaying Jean-René Delsoin Dance Company, female drum band Rara Fanm, singer Nadège Dugravil. Hosted by Smoye Noisy at the Indigo Club in “Côte des Arcadins” / March 2006.
Haïti, Land of Fire (Haïti, Terre de feu)
To commemorate the final Battle of our national Independence, we are a few days away from the Bicentennial. Under the spotlights at Tara’s, Haiti rises up from her ashes. “Haiti, Land of Fire”
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