Boca Raton, Florida: On Saturday, December 8th,2012, as early as 6:30 pm, a more and more dense crowd arrives at the Mizner Park Amphitheater’s entrance. It is out of question to miss the show “Haiti Coeur de Femme” created, produced by “Les Productions Yole Dérose” and specially brought from Haiti for a unique representation dedicated to the Haitian community.

Half an hour later, facing a stage with both simple and sumptuous decorations made of multicolored sails, exotic plants, under a majestic Sun, thousands of seats arranged on the lawn of the Park are quickly occupied. The spectators are forced to take additional chairs stacked laterally to ensure a place.

At 7:30, inside the Park, continuously spills the flow of persons belonging to all age groups, who seem to have put on their most beautiful clothes for the occasion. It will be so for the next 60 minutes. However, now is the time, and the show must begin:

After a few welcoming words, Clarens Renois, the Master of Ceremonies, takes place on the podium and announces the screening of a short film showing the various stages leading to the show "Haiti Coeur de Femme". Its creator, Yole Dérose, dressed by stylist Madeline Ledan, designer of the dancers and the eleven Women-flowers’ costumes, joins him on the podium under the ovations of the audience delighted by this apparition. The two MCs alternately present an overview of each of the 11 Women-Flowers: Hibiscus, Bougainvillea, Rose, Belle de Jour, Bird of Paradise, Callas, Daisy, Anthurium, Sun Flower, Orchid and Lilac. This introduction will be often interrupted by crackling of applause.

In a riot of colors and rhythms, with the live accompaniment of well known haitian musicians such as Nicky Christ, Fabrice Rouzier, Phillipe Augustin, Josué Nazaire, Rodrigue and Arius, the Singers start with an incantation to the Sun, with an excerpt from "Solèy O", then "Waya Waya Lamiral", followed by "Solèy Leve Leve Leve". They dance and play on stage singing "Loumalaya Jayimo", and greet the public with the song "Imamou Lele O". This joy is contagious and some spectators can’t help getting up from their seats to dance.

Three artistically dressed Dancers perform a choreography around a tall drum "Manman Tambou" while the Sun’s Woman-drum (Ranya Dérose) moves on stage, allowing the spectators to admire her beautiful costume and her sumptuous headdress.

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See Also
Haïti, Land of Fire (Haïti, Terre de feu)
To commemorate the final Battle of our national Independence, we are a few days away from the Bicentennial. Under the spotlights at Tara’s, Haiti rises up from her ashes. “Haiti, Land of Fire”

© 2013 Les Productions Yole Dérose. All rights reserved French version