A lucid analysis thrown on Haiti's history illuminates the reality of women in this country. The clash of cultures born from the discovery of the Island by the conquistadors and the colonization has not spared the first Women.

Since then, the situation of women has not improved with the arrival of Africans to replace Indians. Indeed, the crossing and the system of exclusive were based on the strength of the Blacks who died by millions. This was also hell and especially that of African women. Among the most appalling abuse inflicted by the white settlers included the crucifixion of women deemed at fault. Even pregnant women were not spared.

Do not believe that with independence, the new nation of Haiti has offered better living conditions for women. Actually, Haitian women are living a nightmare every day. Neo-slavery conditions are imposed in subcontracting factories, the “bateys”, etc… While their labor supplies the agricultural and industrial production, both in the suburbs and in the cities, they suffer from chronic malnutrition. While the entire economy rests on their shoulders, they occupy very little space in the structures of power.

Even our historians, even our intellectuals, in their quest of the past, often neglect to mention the contribution of Haitian women in the unfinished building of the nation. The show “Woman” (Femme) in addition to its entertaining side, wants to restore to the great female figures that have marked history the place they deserve, given the extent of their sacrifice. Only the historical truth can lift the veil of centuries of lies and misogyny, allowing women to regain their dignity and contribute to the improvement of their condition. The rehabilitation of women in its true dimension is not confined to the short time of a cultural event. However, “Woman” (Femme) is a step in the right direction, a catalyst for organized and systematic actions.

By incarnating on stage heroines like: Queen Anakaona, Amazon Toya, Manbo Cécile Fatima, Lieutenant Sanite Bélair, Henriette St. Marc, Farmer Suzanne Louverture, Empress Félicité Bonheur Dessalines, Chief Marron Marie Jeanne, Queen Marie Louise of Haiti, Ti Fanm Almina, Catherine Flon, Joute Lachenais, Dédé Bazile (Crazy “Défilée”) and the deities known in our culture and our folklore: Water Woman, Earth Woman, Fire Woman, Female Light, and also in order to educate, this show presents to viewers of every age role models who will change their perception of women.

Two artists accompany and support this initiative: Emeline Michel from Haiti and Orlane from Reunion Island. They have constantly imposed their talent and perseverance to display a positive image of Woman; they occupy the stage, assisted by talented musicians from Haiti and abroad. The revelation of the young talent of the evening, Misterline (Misty) Jean must be mentioned.

A descriptive text of each historical female figure is said by interpreters to present to the public. However, words only are not enough to evoke the ambiance of the past. Hence the need to redesign the costumes of various periods with “Les Créations Madeline Ledan” in order to recreate the atmosphere of old times. The show "Woman" (Femme) has a triple benefit. First, it entertains an audience hungry for quality. Secondly, it allows participants to take a different reading of our falsified history. Finally, the gala has made a tribute to the Haitian woman. Thus, in an atmosphere of circumstance, several Haitian and foreign artists of all disciplines fly above space and time, and use their talent to convey truth. Also, musicians, dancers, poets, storytellers, actors, models, stylists, designers, makeup artists practice their art in order to promote the Other Woman.

Yole Dérose Productions intends to do an everlasting work. Thus, through the collaboration of researchers like Bayyinnah Bello, the publication of a presentation booklet of historical female figures compensates the ephemeral aspect of a show. Awaiting a more thorough work of our historians about the contribution of women in our history, this book fills a gap. Indeed, pupils and students can tap into this book revealing information from the past.
Jacques Roche

See Also
The Word of Yole | Credits    
Haïti, Land of Fire (Haïti, Terre de feu)
To commemorate the final Battle of our national Independence, we are a few days away from the Bicentennial. Under the spotlights at Tara’s, Haiti rises up from her ashes. “Haiti, Land of Fire”

© 2013 Les Productions Yole Dérose. All rights reserved French version