On January 15, 2012, upon request of the public, the show “Haiti Heart of a Woman” was replayed at the ”Parc Historique de la Canne à Sucre” in Port-au-Prince. During a little more than 2 hours, the assistance was, once again, under the charm of the Choir composed of eleven Woman-flowers: Bird of the Paradise, Hibiscus, Bougainvillea, Sunflower, Rose, Anthurium, Callas, Lilac, Daisy, Belle de Jour and Orchid, who opened the evening by a salute to the Sun in a rich and sumptuous decoration designed by Rudy Dérose with Atlantic designs and plants. These singers were dressed by Madeline Ledan and their makeup realized by Maikadou; they sang, danced, celebrated Life, Nature, our Ground, Ayiti.

There was a slight modification of the programming: Callas, Daisy and Orchid did interpret Manno Charlemagne’s hit «Banm yon ti Limyè» then «Randevou» composed by Sito Cavé and Boulot Valcourt; all the Flowers joined their voices with enthusiasm.

The majestic appearance of the sumptuously dressed Woman-Drum of the Sun, Ranya Dérose, and the beautiful performance of the Dancers of Jean-Rene Delsoin Company on “Ibo Lele” of Jephté Guillaume, were enhanced by the splendid and vaporous costumes signed by Les Créations Madeline Ledan.
Emeline Michel, Special Guest of the evening, especially returned to her country for the occasion, with the accompaniment of the Japanese virtuoso of clavier, Yayoi Ikawa, has proven as much by her unbelievable performance as by her control of the scenic space, that she owns a solid first place at the top of her career. The assistance particularly acclaimed her version of Syto Cavé’s hit “Fè Van pou Mwen” with a well deserved round of applause.

A key moment was the vigorous interpretation by the Flowers of the song “Nou Vle”, legacy of deceased Singer Ansy Dérose that has surprising kept all its freshness and realism after more than 15 years, whose refrain was repeated by a standing public in jubilation.

The song “La Pèsonn O” was interpreted by the Chorus to close the show and the MC, Clarens Renois, identified once again the Flowers for the amazed and impressed assistance, just like the technician who got so lost in his thoughts and dreams that he completely forgot to pour a rain of confettis on the stage.

Another emotionally strong moment of the evening was when Mrs. Hilda Canez accompanied by René-Max Auguste offered a magnificent bouquet of flowers to Yole Dérose; in a few words, they expressed their appreciation to the creator of “Haiti Heart of a Woman” and congratulated for her invaluable contribution to Song, Art and Culture in Haiti.

The spectacular success obtained by “Haiti Heart of a Woman” both on December 10, 2011 and January 15, 2012 was not the fruit of chance, but the result of a demanding work based on an original idea of Yole Dérose, supported by a group of professional level: the Team of “Les Productions Yole Dérose“.

We really wish that this show, carrier of a strong and convincing message of Love for Ayiti, our Homeland, would be soon available to a much wider public.

The project “Haiti Heart of a Woman”, presented by “Les Productions Yole Déroseis definitively launched. It is characterized by a series of shows where excellence and professionalism have a place of choice. Our splendid Young talents, our Woman-flowers, will sing our Country with a more and more diverse repertory, based particularly on the songs of our Land, with the accompaniment of typical musical instruments. This group will be larger with time and its participation will be a must for future cultural events of quality in Haiti as well as abroad…

“Haiti Heart of a Woman”: A new concept of Les Productions Yole Dérose…

Patrick D. Pierre

See Also
Haïti, Land of Fire (Haïti, Terre de feu)
To commemorate the final Battle of our national Independence, we are a few days away from the Bicentennial. Under the spotlights at Tara’s, Haiti rises up from her ashes. “Haiti, Land of Fire”

© 2013 Les Productions Yole Dérose. All rights reserved French version