The Singers continue with “Sou Chimen Pèdi Tan” followed by Yole Dérose’s hit “Chanson pour Haiti” accompanied at the piano by Callas. It is one of the highlights of the evening that caused a tsunami of emotions among viewers who did not bother hiding their tears while singing along with the chorists.

There were excerpts from "Plante Manyòk", "Haïti Mwen Renmen w", "Nous Gouvernerons la Rosée" in tribute to Toto Bissainthe, followed the fast-paced refrain of "Lawouze Wayo", "I Believe", "Rasanble" and "Tonton Nwel se wou nap tann". A short text said by a Woman-flower introduces each song and is interspersed with intense applause of the public.

After a short intermission, Singer and Guest of Honor Emeline Michel simply dressed in white, accompanied by Japanese pianist Yayoi Ikawa, sings "Latibonit". It is a surge of applause. She is joined on stage by the Women-flowers wrapped in a white costume, wearing a hat decorated with flowers matching their identity and a long colorful veil. The public becomes delirious… As to calm the ambiance, rain starts pouring on Mizner Park, and yet the public remains standing, stoic and sings with his idol " Letènèl, Chante Noel, AKIKO "...

The rain stops as suddenly as it had begun and "Haiti Cœur de Femme" comes back on the podium to sing and dance excerpts from "La Rèn Solèy Leve" and "Kawolin Akawo" followed by a remix on a compas rhythm of Ansy Dérose’s hit "Chante Zannimo". As to make a nod to Martha Jean-Claude, singers perform an excerpt of “Nou Gen Fòs", and then bow to Célia Cruz with "La Vida es un Carnaval". We are witnessing a veritable explosion of joy and fervor in the assistance and it is another highlight of the evening when the public joins the Flower-women to sing and dance "Nou Vle", Ansy Dérose’s immortal heritage.

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See Also
Haïti, Land of Fire (Haïti, Terre de feu)
To commemorate the final Battle of our national Independence, we are a few days away from the Bicentennial. Under the spotlights at Tara’s, Haiti rises up from her ashes. “Haiti, Land of Fire”

© 2013 Les Productions Yole Dérose. All rights reserved French version