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Yole Dérose (Biography)



Madeline Ledan

Bayyinah Bello

Clarel Ledan


On January 10th, 2009, at the “Sugar Cane Historical Park” (Parc Historique de la Canne à Sucre), during an evening organized by the Françoise Canez Auguste Foundation and the magazine "Views of Haiti" (Vues d’Haiti), Yole Dérose received the title of Living National Treasure in conjunction with historian George Corvington and writer Odette Roy Fombrun. This distinction is awarded annually to individuals who deserve to be role models for society because of their background, their achievement, and their lifestyle.

For the third edition of the televised show Digicel Stars in April 2009, Yole sailed again with two other judges Clément Bélizaire and Jacques Bourjolly, in the caravan discovering new stars of Haitian song for another exciting adventure.

On May 16th, 2009, at the opening ceremony of the 26th AIDS Memorial Candlelight in Milot, Yole Dérose has created and produced a magnificent show combining and mixing songs, dances, and fashion of the imperial period. This presentation, which has lead to mobilization and enthusiasm in the North of Haiti, has delighted the whole audience.

During the same month, Yole Dérose Productions made a big step into the modern world and, for the pleasure of numerous fans, publishes on its Official Website:

On June 28th, 2009, at the occasion of the celebration of "5 Continents Annual Awards Ceremony" orchestrated by Rolande and Serge Napoleon, held at the Howard Gilman Opera House (Brooklyn Academy of Music) in New York, a special tribute was made in honor of Yole Dérose, admired icon in the world of performing arts, for her talent and her contribution to culture. She has even been crowned.

As the Leader of Les Productions Yole Dérose, Yole seems to have definitely turned her back to the scene and exclusively manages the creation and organization of the artistic and cultural part of major events. The most recent ones are:
Official launching of the AIDS International Candlelight Memorial on May 16th, 2009, in Milot, Northern Haiti;  AIMER HAITI Cultural event to close the workshop of this organization (Parc Historique de la Canne à Sucre), October 22nd, 2009; 33rd Biannual Conference of the CARICOM’s Committee of the Central Banks Governors - Closing Ceremony and Artistic Gala. / Tara’s, October 30th, 2009; Christmas Celebration at the Karibe Convention Center, December 23rd, 2009; Fairy-like Nights at “The Enchanted Hill” in the South East of Haiti - Celebration of the passage to Year 2010. / December 30th, 2009 and January 2nd, 2010.

After the turmoil caused by the earthquake on January 12th, 2010 in Haiti, Yole took some time off. Then she strongly came back in the cultural actuality with her latest creation Haiti Heart of a Woman (Haiti Coeur de Femme). The Big Premiere of this Gala Show displaying new feminine talents was presented on December 10th, 2011 with two encores on January 15th and May 26th, 2012. This is a completely new concept that seems to guaranty the continuity of feminine Haitian song.


From now on, Yole Dérose, true Icon in the world of music and spectacle, remains a recognized reference and a demanded inspirator


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