First major public performance of the Haitian singer Tifane on March 3rd, 2007, at the “Sugar Cane Historical Park” (Parc Historique de la Canne à Sucre), in partnership with the Françoise Canez Auguste Foundation.

She was an angel, Tifane, whose smooth voice has the power to access the most hermetic spaces of our hearts like a song. A nice "Creole" sensation...

She invents an immortal tune, a refrain familiar to the whole country: "It‘s as if” (Se kòm si)... And the star is born. Pulled in the firmament of art. She puts her voice right there in the middle of our heart, like they plant a flag on a conquered land. And then, there is nothing left to do. Sooner than later, Tifane will become our secret love. The lyrics of her songs are repeated during recess of girls' schools as well as in high schools where boys, playing to be charmers, interpret Tifane’s songs
copied in their math notebooks.

At first, it is an encounter, a premiere, with artists and musicians, models of a generation. Friends and admirers, her own idols, have helped her to climb the first steps of the podium. Her voice has done the rest. She was immediately catapulted to the top. Then, she will be found on many stages, among all groups. She sings to the delight of all, for the pleasure of bringing a fresh and sweet note, a touch of love to all.

Quickly, in 2005, Tifane is consecrated the "Revelation of the Year" and she signs her first hit single "It‘s as if” (Se kòm si). She scores her entry on the musical scene by a spectacular success. She wins the "Golden Ticket of Music" as the best singer of 2006.

Just one song... and her future is wide open. She faces a promising future. The public welcomes and demands her. Then comes the album "Anprent" where her voice is full of grace and tenderness in various styles.

"Anprent is my first touch on the Haitian song, my first stone in the garden of music", she confided to the press. Her velvet touch all soft, her smooth and caressing voice unfolds on the tracks of this compact disc which is rapidly sold out.

"She is a very talented singer with a great future", comment her admirers. The future is written by Tifane’s voice that brings to life in our memory the most beautiful voices of the country. In all her shows, for tolerance and peace, she blends her voice with others to find the way out... At the Rex Theater, with BIC and Bélo, she takes us in the trap of her dream.

Tifane, Stéphanie Séjour… The sweetness that invites us to run away, to the quest of adventure... She gives us what is most original, most intimate in her, and most personal to her: her imprint. Let yourself be marked by the soft iron of her voice.

Yole Dérose Productions is happy to present to you this evening at the “Parc Historique de la Canne à Sucre” for her first Grand Concert, in front of her first big audience, her first opus named "ANPRENT".

Let yourself be marked!

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Haïti, Land of Fire (Haïti, Terre de feu)
To commemorate the final Battle of our national Independence, we are a few days away from the Bicentennial. Under the spotlights at Tara’s, Haiti rises up from her ashes. “Haiti, Land of Fire”

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